A Christmas Message from General Michael Flynn

Through Christ, all things are possible. 
Let us remember the true gift of the season— Christ. Born in a humble manger, He came to bring light into the world, offering love, hope, and salvation to all. His birth is a reminder of God’s grace and His ultimate sacrifice for us. As we celebrate with family and friends, let’s open our hearts to His peace and embrace the joy of His presence in our lives. 
Know that your sacrifices and efforts are deeply appreciated and never forgotten.  
Stay strong, stay hopeful, and keep up the fight.
Michael T. Flynn
🎄 Merry Christmas, Warriors! 🎄

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North Carolina Disaster Relief

North Carolina remains in the news as a beacon of hope and a beach head and the quest, two restore the republic and as a reminder to the government failures and ineptitude and lack of preparedness in an event, the size and scope of hurricane Helene.

Ann Vandersteel’s first in a docuseries, “GROUND ZERO NORTH CAROLINA: Fighting Globalism to Restore the Republic”, had the pleasure and support of General Flynn’s attendance to a sold out crowd at Avery Airfield. The people came to gain a more clear understanding of the immense crisis matched only by the by the people and people and their generous aid to fellow Americans, as well as to learn of the evidence of the globalist agenda.

The evening was special for all and truly an honor to share the film freely. The people and their stories are the bedrock of this film

Ground Zero North Carolina

Last Minute Christmas Ideas

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As a Champion Member, you’ll be part of igniting patriotism, protecting our families and children, and ensuring that the torch of freedom burns bright across our nation.

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🎁 Three-Part Book Series Now Available!

To prepare Americans and freedom loving people everywhere for our current global wartime reality that few understand, here comes The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (CG5GW) by Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) Michael T. Flynn and Sergeant, U.S. Army (Retired) Boone Cutler. 

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