Joint Foreign Affairs and HASC: Flynn Testimony on Iran

Joint Foreign Affairs and
HASC Subcommittees
Michael T. Flynn
Lieutenant General, USA
Testimony on Iran

Chairman Ros-Lehtinen and Ranking Member Deutch, members of the Joint Committee, thank you for the opportunity to present my views on Iran’s missile capabilities and how they impact regional as well as global issues now and in the future, These will directly and negatively impact U.S. National Security unless we develop a long term, 100 year strategy for our Nation—there is no way around it.

Our closed, 20th Century bureaucratic system appears unable to adapt to the rapid and complex changes and threats we face in the 21st Century, especially those occurring throughout the Middle East and the wider trans-region, including Iran and Central Asia to the East, large parts of North and East Africa to the West, and many parts of Europe to the North.

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