By: Michael T Flynn
In front of America stands a cold, dark and determined monster. This monster seeks to destroy this country. To those of us the monster fears and hates, it screams racist, conspirator, deplorable! It shouts at us, calling our passion and love for our country contemptible. But we will not be deterred.
This is our country — The United States of America. A country of pioneers and leaders, risk-takers and visionaries, like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and so many others. This is the country of Abraham Lincoln and his famous Gettysburg Address. We have phrases like, “In God We Trust,” “Remember the Alamo” and “Death before Dishonor.” This is a country of ordinary men and women with extraordinary courage, who have lived by the core values of God, country, family, life and liberty through generations of monumental change.
We remember our failures and our victories. We remember how we made America better, fairer and more just. These vivid memories of history and tradition give us hope that we can write a new chapter for America going forward — a chapter that tells how our generation withstood the rise of socialism, communism and Marxism.
Change is upon our nation. What story will you tell your children and grandchildren when they ask, what did you do during the great awakening? Will you answer that you felt a sense of duty to their future and the future generations of American citizens? Or will you say you sat idly by while America was stolen by dark forces?
To have a stake in our country’s future, everyday people of America must rise by restoring American values and principles that have sustained America as the greatest nation in the history of the world. We must restore our God-ordained freedom and rights as American citizens. We must restore the idea that the family unit is of primary importance as the principle building block to renew our nation’s strength. And America must restore the right to exist on this earth by reminding each other that life begins at conception.
Despite what the media propaganda machines tell you, we are not living in a time of peace. We are in the midst of war. While this war does not recognize national boundaries, it is not yet a hot war for America. But guaranteeing our survival is as age-old as other times throughout our history. The basic domestic and global strategy remains the same. In fact, guaranteeing the survival of the free world, principally the United States of America, contains two basic elements.
First, we must stop the process of self-surrendering to the tyranny of our government and the global institutions trying to impose their will on our freedoms. Second, we must encourage, support and sustain those who are champions for the very liberation of our society and our institutions.
For every American citizen to act as a counterweight to the theft of our rights and liberty, we must engage in our country at every level. Getting involved in one’s local community is a must. Local action absolutely has a national impact. We — the ordinary citizens of our time — represent millions of freedom-loving Americans standing against the trillions of dollars in elite wealth. We will win the day if we follow a simple set of principles.
– We must speak out about and protect American values and the ideals of American exceptionalism, especially the integrity and sanctity of our sacrosanct election system.
– We must work to revitalize the role of faith and faith-based communities, especially the Judeo-Christian values that our nation was founded upon. We must be fearless about our faith in God to save this country.
– We must promote the virtues of the small business culture across our nation, as well as the ideals of free market capitalism. These represent the engine of the American economic system and a vital component of the American dream.
– We must continue to promote the concept of strong families. If God is the keystone for our very existence, the family unit is the bedrock upon which His arch stands.
– Lastly, we must educate American citizens on the importance and the preeminence of the U.S. Constitution in our lives and in our communities, with strong emphasis on individual liberties.
Our founders created an experiment in democracy called a republic. As Benjamin Franklin stated when asked what type of government do we have? “A republic, if you can keep it.” If we are to keep this experiment moving forward, we must renew, re-energize, refit and prepare ourselves for greater sacrifices. Our bloated government is the proverbial cold, dark and determined monster that we face.
I know the millions of freedom-loving citizens will most certainly withstand the name calling, the attacks against our freedoms by an overreaching federal government and the gross injustices from our tripartite rule of law system of failures. But if we focus on our American values, our faith, the virtues and strength of the small business culture in our country, strong families with emphasis on the role of women and mothers and, lastly, the education of every American on the preeminence of the U.S. Constitution, we will triumph over any adversity we face now or we will likely face in the future.
Stay strong America and believe in each other. God Bless America!
Source: Western Journal